Gifter World
2 min readNov 22, 2023

Why Do We Give Gifts at Christmas?

It’s that time of year again, folks. The season of giving, where we frantically rack our brains to come up with the perfect gifts for our loved ones. The malls are packed with frantic shoppers, online retailers are constantly reminding us of their holiday deals, and the sound of jingle bells is pretty much everywhere you go.

But have you ever stopped to wonder, why we give gifts at Christmas? Well, some might say it’s a tradition that dates back centuries, with origins in ancient Rome and the Saturnalia festival. Others might say it’s a way to show appreciation and love to those who mean the most to us. But let’s be real, we all know the real reason we give gifts at Christmas is because we want to receive them too.

Don’t deny it, we’ve all had that moment when someone asks us what we want for Christmas and our minds draw a blank before we blurt out a generic “I don’t know, surprise me.”

And let’s not forget the struggle of finding gifts for men. It’s like trying to find a rare unicorn in a sea of horses. You ask them what they want and they either shrug their shoulders or say they don’t need anything. So what do you end up getting them? Socks. Or a tie. Or some generic tool kit they probably already have.

On the other hand, buying gifts for women is like navigating through a minefield. You never know what’s going to offend them or what’s going to make them swoon with joy. So you do your research, consult with their best friend, and carefully pick out the perfect gift that you think she’ll love. But then she opens it on Christmas morning and you either get a lukewarm “oh, thanks” or a shriek of excitement that could rival Mariah Carey hitting those high notes in “All I Want for Christmas is You.”

But let’s not forget the most important reason we give gifts at Christmas — to make our loved ones happy. There’s something special about seeing their faces light up when they open a gift that you put thought and effort into. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like we’re truly spreading the holiday cheer. And let’s be honest, isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

So this year, as you desperately try to come up with the perfect, unique gifts for your friends and family, just remember that it’s the thought that counts. And if all else fails, just give them socks. I mean, who doesn’t love a good pair of socks? Happy shopping, folks!

Gifter World

Unique gifts for those who have everything and gift ideas for all.